Presentations, and in the press and elsewhere


-Presentation about Hungarian markers in Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo, Hungarian Congress, Cleveland, November 2007

-Presentation, 'Hungarian Markers in the World', Hungarian Congress, Cleveland, November 2010

-Hungarian Association of Cleveland, Árpád Academy Gold Medal, Hungarian Congress, November 2010

-Interview, ‘Üzenem az otthoni hegyeknek’ television documentary, Debrecen TV 2011

-Studio interview, 2rrr Radio Sydney, Hungarian Radio Mosaic, August 5, 2012

-Studio interview, SBS Radio Melbourne, Hungarian program, August 7, 2012

-Reference in Ph.D. dissertation - Endre Szentkirályi: ‘Hungarians in Cleveland 1951-2011. Then and Now’. University of Debrecen 2013

-Presentation about Hungarian markers in Switzerland and Austria, Hungarian Association of Ticino, Lugano, May 2013

-Article based on newspaper interview, Bécsi Napló, Vienna, 2013/July-August

-Featured on the Nemzeti Regiszter webpage of the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, Fall 2013

-Presentation, 'Witnesses of Hungarian Presence in the World – Living and Disappearing Markers', Hungarian Congress, Cleveland, November 2014

-Studio interview, Bocskai Radio Cleveland, November 30, 2014

-My photographs featured in János Kucsera’s 'Ten Centuries’ Hungarian Markers in Bavaria' (Budapest 2016, p. 195 and 242)

-'Láthatatlan értékeink - Magyarok a kanadai prérin' ('Our Forgotten Treasures - Hungarians on the Canadian Prairie') - article series, report on the 2017 tour, Bécsi Napló, Vienna, starting January 2018 

-Presentation, 'Hungarian Markers in San Francisco', Hungarian Reformed Church, Redwood City, CA, October 2018

-Presentation, 'Hungarians on the Canadian Prairie', Europa Club, Vienna, May 2019

-Radio interview (in Vienna, for Mérleg, Serbia), May 24, 2019

-Presentation, 'Hungarians on the Canadian Prairie', Hungarian Association of Ticino, Lugano, May 2019

-'Hungarians in America', outside report on the project, Roundtable of Hungarian Organizations in Austria, May 2019

-'Our Forgotten Treasures - Hungarians on the Canadian Prairie'. Trip report. Annals of Europa Club, Vienna, 2020

-My photograph featured in Róbert Gyula Dudás' 'Hungarian Catholic Priests in North America' (Budapest 2020, p. 322)

-Photo selection "1956 Memorials", Graz Hungarians' Newsletter, October 2021 

-2022 USA tour report interview, 2rrr Radio Sydney, Hungarian Radio Mosaic, July 17, 2022

-Two presentations, 'Cleveland’s Hungarian Neighborhoods', and 'Hungarians in Canada', Hungarian Congress, Cleveland, November 2022

-Studio interview, Bocskai Radio Cleveland, November 27, 2022

-Article on the project, Magyarság (Toronto), December 31, 2022

-Paragraph as well as separate entry in Béla Nóvé's volume on the history of the Hungarian diaspora ('Magyar emigrációtörténeti kézikönyv', Budapest 2022), pp. 129-130 and 252-253, accompanied by several of my photographs throughout the book

-My photographs featured in Zoltán Fejős' article 'Petőfi Across the Sea. His Memory in pre-WWII Hungarian America' (Múzeumcafé 93-94, Budapest 2023, pp. 181 and 193)

-Presentation, 'Hungarians on the Canadian Prairie – Farmers Overseas', 24th National Meeting of Agricultural Engineering, Mezőkövesd, Hungary, September 2023

-Presentation, 'Hungarians on the Canadian Prairie', Magyar Emlékekért a Világban Egyesület, Budapest, November 2023

-'Pictures from the past - the former Hungarian Baptist churches of Bridgeport and Perth Amboy'. Article in Gospel Messenger (Hungarian Baptist Convention of North America), November 2023

-Interview,, November 2023

-Presentation, The Bethlen Home in Ligonier, Heritage Center, Concordia at Bethlen, Ligonier, PA, July 2024

-Presentation, Hungarian Miners in the United States, Hungarian Association of Ticino, Lugano, September 2024

-Anniversary Picture Album, featuring 100 of my photos, On the 100th Anniversary of the Hungarian Reformed Church of America 1924-2024, Budapest, November 2024. To see its cover CLICK HERE

-In the summer of 2024, I completely reorganized the Archives and Museum of the Bethlen Home in Ligonier, PA - CLICK HERE to read

-Interview by Ildikó Antal-Ferencz, (English version) and (Hungarian version), November 2024

-Comprehensive slideshow presentation, RETÖRKI Institute, Budapest, November 2024 




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